Saturday, March 30, 2013

Hiking Through the Bosque

My beautiful girl, there isn't much time before you are no longer an only child. Sophia will soon enter the world and our lives will be forever changed. Through your 2-year old stage, my patience has certainly been tested and unfortunately, we don't always see eye to eye. I hear that's normal but it doesn't change the guilt I have for every disciplinary action I feel is necessary. I'm trying to let you grow as your own person, make your own choices when possible, and all in all just let you learn what life is about. With that, comes "Chloe" heartache. I feel like the word you hear most is "no!". I promise I do all things out of love and to protect you. I hope you will always remember that I'm not judging you, I'm concerned for you.
Despite the constant "no's," we really do have some WONDERFUL and tender moments. There is nothing better than hearing your sweet voice tell me you love me... or those childish, forgiving, and unknowing eyes pleading for my approval. I am so proud of you. I am proud of your individuality. I am proud of the mother you bring out in me because it's a constant standard I need to improve upon.
We walked through the Bosque. I, of course, am nine months pregnant at the time. Daddy was adventurous, as always. And you were up for the challenge. And for your small body it truly was a challenge. You had to fight through brush and branches but once we reached the river, you were delighted with its beauty. You took such joy in throwing rocks in the water and observing the splash (with all your bodily senses: hear the water, see the splash, feel the drops of water, feel its coolness, smell the muck!).  I don't often recognize how simple life experiences can relate to spirituality, but this reminds me of our journey here on Earth and the great plan of happiness.  Before we had our body's, we were spirits.  We lived in Heaven with our Heavenly Father.  We all knew each other as brother's and sister's.  Heavenly Father presented a plan that would have us leave His presence and be tested in a world created by our elder brother, Jesus Christ.  We would have to fight through "brush and branches," and smell the "muck" but we would also experience the good.  You, my dear, are the good in my life!  It is for you that I strive to live obediently.  I want to be able to be with you forever.  I know that if I do follow the commandments, I will return to my Father who loves me.  And you can too!
You are a precious daughter of God.

You are beautiful, inside and out.

You bring me so much joy.

I appreciate you hugs.

...And cuddles.

...And occasional shyness.

You're the best!
I love you!

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