Saturday, February 23, 2013

Auntie Sunny Come to Visit: Finding Fun Things

Little Bug,
Your mamma is not the type to pick up little creatures to "play" with. Being in Florida, little creepy, crawly things constantly crossed my path but I was usually able to hop/skip/jump/run screaming away from them.  There was one afternoon where you and I left the apartment and went to the store.  Upon our arrival back to the front door there was a nasty, fat, black lizard perched on our door knob.  Being that I was completely terrified, I was sure that we both stayed back at least 5 feet.  We had to get inside our home though so I made many attempts to get the darn thing to move. First, I tried throwing things at it-- like my keys.  Another thing about your dear old mom, I have horrible aim.  Needless to say, I missed my very LARGE target.  We stood outside, fighting the monster lizard for at least 15 minutes when I decided I had to get brave and poke it with a stick (all while praying it wouldn't climb on the stick and murder me).  Finally, it moved and we got inside.  If any neighbors were watching that day, I'm sure they got a good laugh.
Now, you're Auntie Sunny is quite different than me in this respect.  She tends to be fascinated with the little creepy, crawly things and her daughter Emma takes after her.  During their visit, I had to bite my lip and grin with all the things they found.  To be honest, I admire their adoration of these small creatures-- especially when they're creepy.  I wish I wasn't so spastic and I hope that you'll be more brave than I am when it comes to small & harmless creatures.
Here are some of the Martinez findings while they stayed with us in Florida:
Below is a tiny, baby fish that was at the beach
Below, Hallie Bug has some sea grass (also found at the beach)

I even thought that the creature below was pretty cool.  It was a baby turtle that was in the parking lot at our apartment.  Emma saved him from what could have been a very tragic death by tire.
Turtles are cute.  Lizards are not.  Below is a picture of Emma holding the first lizard she was able to catch in Florida and it was yet another baby.

The picture below is of Emma in pure delight!  It was very late one night and Emma just wouldn't go to bed and no one understood why.  She kept saying that there was something in the room and we brushed it off like she was just seeing things.  Finally, after inspection, we saw one of those giant, black lizards planted right above her bedroom door.  Yikes!  It was quickly put into a plastic container and declared Emma's new pet (at least for awhile).  Totally creepy, right?
One after we visited Sawgrass Lake Park.  As a family, we had visited this park before and had seen TONS off alligators.  On this particular visit we didn't get to see very many.  But there were a few baby gators.  You can see one in the picture below:
We also took your cousins and Aunt to Seminole City Park, which was one of my favorites because it had a direct connection to the Pinellas Trail which was where I loved to run.  This park also has a big lake where you can see turtles, geese, and lots of birds.  We fed the birds, as you can see below:

I'm sure these are just a few of the things that were found.  Florida is a good place to find a lot of God's creepiest creations.
Love you,

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