Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Big Sister, Little Sister Arrives

She's here!
Your baby sister is here.
Most of the day on 4/9/2013, I was having contractions.  When evening came, I wasn't quite sure if labor was actually starting so we put you to bed as normal.  At about 4am you woke Daddy and I up with your sobs.  You were upset about something and Daddy was quick to comfort you and put you to bed.  As he layed back down next to me and rested his hand on my swollen belly, we heard (and he felt) a POP! My water had broken and we knew that Sophia was on her way.  We called Papa over to the house to be there when you awoke.  I went to the hospital and spend only a few hours there before Sophia came.  She came at 7:56am.  Mimi sent a message to Papa of her arrival and he responded saying that you woke up just as he received the message.  I swear that this proves you have some divine connection with her. 
We spent a short 1 1/2 days in the hospital...
Then decided to come home.  You weren't allowed in the hospital due to flu season so you met her for the first time in the comfort of our own home.

You fell in love right away.

You adore Sophia.  You are a great big sister.
During the time that we were in the hospital, you stayed with Mimi and Papa.  And by the end of your stay, Mimi was TIRED.  You are a handful.  You slept very little... and with what sleep you did get, you required Mimi to stay in your bed.
I am so grateful for their willingness to help.
I am grateful for having TWO beautiful girls of my own now.
Love you girl,

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