Hey Girl,
Being in Florida has definitely given us a love and appreciation for WATER!
We enjoy the beach and one of our favorite things is to visit the pool. Our apartment complex has two pools... both of which you show no fear towards.
You scare me with every quick step you take running circles around me and daddy as we play pool volleyball.
You need swimming lessons!
When Auntie Sunny came for her visit, we got to play at the pool a few times. All you kids gathered your boats and balls and we bravely marched to the pool. I say "bravely" because not one of you knows how to swim. Not to mention, I am not a good swimmer (AT ALL). A little fact about your dear old mom-- I've never taken swim lessons. Everything I can do has been self-taught and water is actually a little bit of a fear of mine. Saving someone, even a small child, would probably not be on my list of capabilities.
To be honest, during Sunny's visit, we had all you kids at the pool. Luckily Aunt Sunny and Daddy were with me. You and I were in the deep end and you (SILLY GIRL) pushed away from me. I let go of the edge of the pool and then had no idea how to stay afloat while holding you. We began to sink. I yelled for your daddy as I went under and tried to push you up above the water. Daddy was quickly by our sides, helping us. It was one of those "bad mom... shame, shame" moments.
The experience didn't seem to phase you though because you got right back in. That a girl!
Christian was the most brave of all you kids. He was awesome! He would let his mommy dunk him under water while he held his breath. He'd also sit on the edge of the pool and jump in... on his OWN! Wow.
Emma took more convincing at times. She was very comfortable in her boat and didn't really care to be "held" in the water. I think, like me, her nerves sometimes got the best of her. But once she saw her little sister, Hallie, bravin' the waters she put on her warrior face and joined in. It's funny how when you decide to do something that you had been so set against doing, you usually end up enjoying the experience. I should try harder to involve myself in things that are good but might make me slightly uncomfortable... it could be a good lesson for me.
After our almost-drowing experience... I made you wear your bathing suit with floaties every time we went to the pool/ No chances! It's scary how fast something bad can happen. Especially when you think it could never happen to you.
I love you. I'm glad we're both safe.
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