I spent a few days away from the family in January to run off to Florida with Aunty Sunny.
Literally... we ran.
We ran the Disney World Marathon in costume.
I was Belle. Aunty Sunny was Snow White.
I was so nervous about leaving my girls back in New Mexico.
But when you're a mother, I want you to know that it is OKAY for you to take time for yourself. In fact, PLEASE take time for yourself. Find a husband that will LET you do it without making you feel guilty too. And good luck finding that guy... I think I snatched the last one up. I love your dad. I am so grateful for his willingness to help me accomplish my goals.
When I got home and showed you all the pictures, you began to say that you had a Belle Mom. I would say, "Chloe that's me in those picture." And you would kindly respond with, "No, no, no, that is my Belle Mom who lives in the castle."
One day, you'll understand that it really is me in these pictures.
And I am a princess.
As are you.
Princess Chloe, I love you!