Friday, May 31, 2013

End of Preschool

Auntie Sunny so generously offered her time and skills as a teacher this year.  She did a preschool for all the cousins and you learned SO much.  As summer approached, it was time for school to come to an end.  Auntie Sunny invited us all to the park for a fun day.  Unfortunately Auntie Crystal, Lydia, and Maya had other plans.
We had fun doing water balloons, kites, and playing!
Before, when you were dry.
After, when you were soaked from water balloon fun.

It was a learning experience as you all tried to get the hang of flying a kite.

The Mom's

Sophia came too!
We all had so much fun!
Love you babe,

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Camping For Mama's Birthday

I believe that this was your first camping trip... ever.
For my birthday we packed up the cars and went South to camp for the weekend.  When I was younger I went to Snowlake and LOVED it.  So that was our destination.  Who knew it would take us 5+ hours to get there??? Ugh!
When we got there, it was cold & windy... and remained that way.  We had a good time anyways!
Mommy & Sophia
Full Moon

Mama's Bithday cake: Apple Pie/Cinnamon Roll cake in the dutch oven... YUM!
Auntie Sunny and Uncle Ton's family came with us.  

We did some hiking.

More kites!

We had a lot of fun.  Hopefully we can go again soon.
You love being outdoors.
Love ya,